Savannah Animazing
and Video Game Expo
Rules and Policies
General Rules
Outside Food and drink are not allowed into the convention center while the concession stands are open.
Seating is first-come, first-served. Due to fire regulations, sitting in aisles and seating beyond the room's capacity are not allowed, and we are bound by law to strictly enforce this.
Please remember talking during videos is disruptive to other attendees and save your comments for outside. Please also turn off the sounds on your cell phone and any other noisy devices.
Savannah Animazing Convention reserves the right to refuse admission to function rooms to those under 18 during videos and panels with adult content.
Panhandling (begging for money, with or without performing music or other entertainment) is against local bylaws and will not be allowed in convention space.
Laser pointers are not harmless toys; they are capable of inflicting serious eye damage. Irresponsible use of a laser pointer will result in loss of membership and expulsion from the convention.
Water guns and projectiles are not allowed in convention space, any use of them in public will result in loss of membership and removal from the convention. All involved parties will be required to pay the cost of any property damages suffered by individuals, dealers or the convention center. Also, Savannah Animazing Convention has a weapons policy so please make sure any props you have conform to this.
Failure to follow the rules may result in loss of badge and expulsion from the convention. Savannah Animazing Convention reserves the right to remove anyone in violation of these rules. No refunds will be given to anyone removed from the convention. And anyone we need to eject will also have their name reported to the hotel and they may determine if you will be allowed to stay on the premises.
Any photos and video taken by Savannah Animazing Convention staff become property of the con and may be used for publicity purposes.
Regardless of fandoms please treat each other with respect, we are all here to enjoy ourselves.
Have fun, enjoy yourself, be courteous to hotel staff and fellow attendees but please remember, the impression you make reflects on all of us.